Vista (running ubuntu)

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jun 12 00:16:42 UTC 2008

On 06/11/2008 09:52 AM, NoOp wrote:

> I'm very pleased with VirtualBox, but I can see that I'll need  to play
> with kvm. Note: I tried VMware last year & while I got it working, I
> wasn't overly enthused about it. VirtualBox on the other hand was very
> easy to get up and running - only minor complaint is the requirement to
> run the non-opensource version to get usb working.

Well so much for kvm :-(

KVM requires a processor that supports 'virtualization' & when I run:

egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

I receive nothing back. So I reckon that I'm out of luck. I'll just
stick with VirtualBox for now.

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