not able to connec to the internet

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Jun 11 20:34:57 UTC 2008

Felipe DOMINGUEZ wrote:
> Hello.
> I am new to linux, I have recently installed Ubutno 8.04 on a laptop and I
> am not able to connected to the internet.
> I have tried every thing I found on the internet but nothing works.
> I have  an USB Modem: ASUS  AAM6000UG/D (AAM6000UG-ALC)  (for Belgacom)
> I have followed ( A FEW TIMES) the procedure at
> installed and un-installed ubunto a few times, just to make sure I start
> from scratch, but still not working.
> Some people suggested that I should buy another modem... but I donĀ“t see
> way. it works well in windows and if I start that way then the question is
> what else should I buy and where to stop.

Like the guides warn, USB modems are not really ideal for network 
connectivity; I avoid it even with Windows and opt instead for getting a 
modem that goes into an Ethernet switch. That'll save you tons of headaches.

BUT that doesn't answer your question. At what point is your connection 
attempt failing? Any error logs or messages you can post?

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