Hardy hard lock-up...

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Wed Jun 11 14:50:44 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Shannon McMackin wrote:

> I've been seeing this with 2.6.24-17-generic, 2.6.24-18-generic and 
> 2.6.24-19-generic, although my 19 now seems messed up because the 
> compat-wireless update I tried to apply has unresolved symbols and won't 
> load.

> I did not see this on 2.6.24-16, but I was not there very long.

> This does not happen on a spare drive running FC9, so I doubt it's RAM.

> I did suspect some drive issues as while I was in beta usage I 
> encountered some ATA error messages at boot time, but I think it was due 
> to a messed up initrd image when I was playing with tuxonice.  I 
> reinstalled with final release Hardy and did not see that error anymore.

> I ran drive diags last night which indicated the controller and disk passed.

> Upon this latest boot an e2fsck was run per normal boot count.

> The only thing that I can think that I added was preload.  I have a 
> co-worker with the same model laptop also running Hardy and I'm waiting 
> to get in touch with him to verify what he has installed.

Sounds like you don't need my help!  :)  Hope you nail it.

- -d

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