Forget Hardy

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Jun 11 14:06:25 UTC 2008

Alan E. Davis wrote:

> I mean to cast no aspersions, but I may 
> move back to Gentoo at some point due to both the solidity of the system
> (albeit it may be much more difficult to set up and maintain) and the
> excellence of
> the support---documentation that is always up to day, a bug system  that
> is incredibly up-to-date and useful, 

Could you explain that?  I agree, Ubuntu documentation often sucks, but I
can't see where or how Gentoo could improve on it. That is, for
_applications_ the documentation comes from upstream, and if Gentoo has
such documentation and Ubuntu doesn't, it's odd to say the least.  If we're
talking about more high-level documentation, like "how to install the OS",
well, I think it's all there and up-to-date on the Ubuntu Wiki, but perhaps
there are things to be learned from the way Gentoo does it.

I'd disagree about the bug system - it may take you a while to learn
Launchpad, but my experience is that it _is_ up-to-date and useful.

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