Forget Hardy

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Jun 11 13:45:58 UTC 2008

Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:

> Honestly, the most thing I complain about Ubuntu is it's lack of
> colors other than brown, other than that is that

Try Kubuntu :-)

> a.) EVERYTHING is tied up with Launchpad

hmmm.  I disagree about the "Everything", but I think you're mostly right.
> b.) Linux in general have no universal package management system. If
> your using Debian you'll be using apt, but the default is you can't
> install RPM packages safely without any problems. 

Actually, I've _never_ had a problem.  Back before Oracle was distributing
debs, I got some rpms I could never make work, but I've never had a problem
with a deb created by converting an rpm via alien being "unsafe".

> This limitation is 
> really pushing away software companies from creating software for
> Linux, because they cannot clearly asses their market, 

That's just silly.  Companies like Oracle will continue to create software
for _specific_ brands of Linux.  Unless we create a single Linux (which is
never going to happen - and can't possibly, because as soon as everybody
unites, someone will start a new fork), the presence of a single package
system is irrelevant.

> There are no single software package for Linux that is specifically
> designed to work in Linux in general. 

It can never happen, because there is no such thing as a "Linux in general"
(see above!).  

> The reality is the user would 
> have to get the  specific software versions for their distribution.
> This is not good either, we should easily share those software as easy
> as a media file.

Should we be able to share our apps that easily with BSD systems?  Ubuntu is
an OS, as is Fedora.  Expecting those two systems to share apps is only
slightly less plausible than sharing with BSD or Windows.

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