Forget Hardy

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Jun 11 08:35:45 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 11.06.2008, 01:13 -0700 schrieb Steve Lamb:
>      Erm, slang is used all the time in technical discussions.  It is what 
> makes technical discussions possible without having to spend 50 minutes 
> spelling everything out.  Part of engaging in technical discussions, in ANY 
> field, is learning the slang.
Ubuntu should be different here and should adapt to the user instead of
requiring the user to adapt to the tech slang, really.	

Not to steve but to this whole thread i'd like to point out again that
calling people a "pain in the a**" (which is what PITA means for readers
who dont know) is totally not appropriate and violates the here applying
ubuntu code of conduct [1]. please try to keep the arguing in a
respectful tone towards each other.



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