Is a CD/DVD Label Available???

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jun 10 17:15:21 UTC 2008

On 06/10/2008 09:38 AM, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Folks,
> Does anyone have a downloadable label that can be applied to a 8.04 LTS 
> Hardy Heron CD? If so please let me know how and/or where I can obtain 
> it.  I just burned a CD and would like a nice label for it.
> I know this is just a nit in the grand scheme of things but the 
> developers might consider adding such to some of the download information...
> Cheers,
> Jay

And I agree that it would be nice to have the lable on the download
site/mirror so you can download it when you download the iso. Perhaps it
might be worth posting in

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