rsync is bad

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Jun 10 01:36:19 UTC 2008

Ed Greshko wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> FWIW, Linux also has the ability to take snapshots of file systems.
>> Aw, c'mon Ed, don't leave us hanging!  How?
>> fwiw, I should think it isn't _Linux_ but specific filesystems.  The
>> previous poster was talking about UFS on BSD.  iirc, you could use UFS on
>> Linux, and I'm sure it would have the same capability.  otoh, I've never
>> heard of snapshots on ext3 (which doesn't mean it can't be done).  On the
>> third hand, if your filesystems are on LVM, it appears snapshotting can
>> be done at the LV level.
> The third hand.

Ah.  It looks interesting, but I wonder how many people are yet using LVMs? 
I still can't bring myself to use it for the root fs (though I keep nothing
other than /etc on the root fs that I feel a need to backup, either).

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