rsync is bad

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sun Jun 8 18:48:15 UTC 2008

Chris Rees wrote:
> 2008/6/8 Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at>:
>> Chris Rees wrote:
>>>> I would NEVER copy / move a running OS itself to 
    The problem I had with rsync may be due to the method I used to make 
the backup. The bad copy I made was not it seems bad. I had made the 
permissions for /tmp root and that caused the gtk problem. Of course it 
IS a problem.

    Today I did a rsync copy that was a huge success. I used a new rsync 
method but not sure it matters much. Just a bit more handy.

    It didn't boot. It got no-where and that told me the stupid uuid 
problem is upon me again. I made a new uuip and then this copy booted up 
just like the original does.

    The rule seems to be if you change ANYTHING, get a new uuip. I think 
this is a big problem with uuip. But once you stop changing things uuip 
stays good.

    So rsync works fine and I will use it at least 3 more times before I 
am done.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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