Ubuntu review: Worst game ever

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Sun Jun 8 17:54:03 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/6/8 Ari Torhamo <ari.torhamo at gmail.com>:
>> It's harder to tell a joke from a real thing, when you don't see or hear
>> the person telling it. It's also harder, when a joke is told in a
>> context, where jokes aren't normally told. In such cases - if the goal
>> isn't to get to laugh at people who respond - one may put "This was just
>> a joke", or something like that, in the end. It doesn't remove the
>> funnyness, but prevents confusion.
> That spoils the joke. There were more than enough hints that the post
> is a joke. He mentioned that he lost almost all his Hotmail emails.
> How is that tied to the OS? He also calls Ubuntu a game, and also
> refers to it as an OS when telling us to buy Windows. The "j/k" tag
> would have killed it.
> Dotan Cohen

I thought is was hilarious myself.  Ditto the responses.  But...to
each his own, I guess, in terms of what is funny and what is not.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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