System monitor: what does "Load average" exactly cover ???

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sun Jun 8 17:01:40 UTC 2008

On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 17:01:50 +0100
Avi Greenbury <avismailinglistaccount at> wrote:

> What would you rather instead?

CPU usage ?

> The thing with the system load on a desktop is that if it's too high, 
> you already know it is. You don't need to check that your computer's 
> running slow.
> Whatever number you end up with, and whatever you do to get it, chances 
> are you'll end up with some other system whereby you still just have to 
> tell the user that there is some number above which the system's under 
> quite a bit of load.

Agreed, the wikipedia article enlightened me, and I now quite
like/understand the current way of measuring load, so I am not
going to file any bug report ;-)

Vince, now con-vince-d ...

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