Professional musician wants to use Ubuntu

Peter N Spotts pspotts at
Sun Jun 8 14:14:53 UTC 2008

On Sun, 8 Jun 2008 01:09:49 -0700
Jacob <jacobchappelle at> wrote:

> I have a number of softwares here that a professional musician would
> like to try with Ubuntu. He currently uses these softwares on Windows
> XP Pro (Acid Pro 6, Cubase LE, Live 6, Kinetic and Music Creator and
> a large number of VST plugins and instruments, and DXi too. I own
> Kore of NI.), but would like to know if these have ever been run on
> Linux or Ubuntu as he has had an ocean of problems with Windows.
> Does anyone out there have any experience with these mentioned
> softwares?
> Also can anyone make any recommendations regarding some professional
> software under Linux for a musician who does all his own mixing,
> editing, and recording?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Jacob Chappelle
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Check out this site:

It may give you some ideas. As for running Windows programs on Linux, a
program call Wine can work. But I've made a quick scan of the
music-related programs what work with Wine, and it doesn't look
promising. That said, Ubuntu and the software at are
free, so there's absolutely no rise in trying them. Undoubtedly, your
friend will have to invest some time in learning to used the programs.
But I suspect he'd find much of what he needs there.

With best regards,


Peter N. Spotts
Email: pspotts at
Amateur-radio call: KC1JB

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            -- Douglas Adams, "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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