Realplayer11 Gold

Graham Watkins at
Sun Jun 8 08:08:43 UTC 2008

Nehad elgmal wrote:
> finally i managed to install the realplayer11 on my ubuntu hardy heron i 
> dowenloaded the rpm package from the web site and converted it to deb 
> package with alien and installed it and start it normally but when i try 
> to open any of my Mp3's it auto-closed without any apparent reason i 
> also tried to make realplayer my default player but the same problem 
> happened!!
I may be barking up the wrong tree here but I seem to remember that on 
KDE using the ARTS server caused a crash like this so it may be a sound 
server issue.  You could try starting it from the command line which 
might give you some info as to what's causing the problem.  Do that and 
then post the output here and maybe someone brighter than me will be 
able to tell you what it all means.

I've generally had better luck using the .bin rather than a distribution 

Also, as an mp3 player (rather than as a radio), I've always found 
Audacious, XMMS or Amarok more user friendly.


Graham Watkins

"To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows
box, you just need to work on it."
SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman.

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