Backup booting

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sat Jun 7 13:40:10 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I have a rsync backup on my computer at /dev/hda7. The backup came
> from /dev/sda2. The backup on hda7 was taken from sda2 to a USB hard
> drive. That was then sent to hda7.
>     Both /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst were changed to reflect the
> new location on hda7. Copied the menu.lst from the new to the current
> menu.lst so it can be tried easy.
>     When I boot the backup it goes quite a ways but errors out looking
> for some std USB things. That seems to be wrong. Here are the parts of
> both menu.lst and fstab for review. I am certain menu.lst is working.

Well, I don't see anything suspicious in your menu.lst or fstab. And "some 
std USB things" isn't very specific - could you post the actual error 


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