No sound after the latest update

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Jun 6 01:08:05 UTC 2008

On 06/05/2008 04:40 PM, Brendan Strunk wrote:
> You may want to try reinstalling Ubuntu 8.04. If you upgraded from an
> earlier version of Ubuntu and If you have the disc for install that.
> email me if you have any other problems

Are you trolling, or are you seriously aiming to help? If it is the
latter, then I think that your best option at this point, given this and
your previous posts, is to:

1. Read
2. Stop giving "advise" for awhile, and then when you do try to offer
advise that is specific to the posted problem.

As far as I know, everyone & anyone is welcome post, comment, advise, on
this list to the best of their ability. That of course includes you.
However, in my polite opinion, I seriously think that you might want to
hold off on offering advise for awhile. Your posts of:

- Yeah, try it with the PC running
- Try reinstalling the OS and see what happens
- plug it in to your modem or the router
- If you're trying to set it up on a laptop you actually need to do it
on a desktop computer with ubuntu installed
- Secure your network I've had that problem before and I had comcast our
internet service come out and they fixed it
- Try reinstalling Ubuntu
- Try reinstalling the app

etc., are simply of no help at all.

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