Dotan Cohen
dotancohen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 09:53:58 UTC 2008
2008/6/4 Markus Schönhaber <ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de>:
>>> How about the most basic info, what *exactly* you did when the problem
>>> occurred and what *exactly* happened. I still don't know that.
>> Typing, for example, "www.google.com" into my web browser's address
>> bar. I would have to wait an exceptionally long time (30 seconds?)
>> before seeing any type of response.
> If, when that happens, you access the same site again, is this second
> request answered faster or will take a long time again?
I'm not sure, and the problem is not ocuring now. I will check.
>> The problem is intermittent, and
>> not occurring now, but has been recurring for several days.
> But is it reproducible in the sense that when it happens, it happens
> more than once?
Yes, the problem could persist for 15 minutes, then browsing goes back
to normal.
> 502? You said 504 before.
I'll double check as soon as it happens again. I'm no network admin,
so I am not familiar with the codes.
> Anyway, since both messages are associated with a gateway or proxy, does
> the message contain any hint which server issued it (if in doubt, copy
> the message verbatim).
I don't think that they did. Actually, I'm almost certain that they
did not. I will file a bug with Mozilla that such information should
be included in the error message.
> I'm not familiar with mtr. But two things catch my eye:
> 1. The "Resolver error"s on some of the shots.
> 2. The massive packet loss on some .bezequint.net machines.
That is the ISP's machine. They have seen the screenshots and say that
is normal.
> Especially 2. may be a understandable cause for the symptoms you're seeing.
> Which of the devices listed in the shots are in your home? Very likely
> Are there more?
That is the router. After that (physically) is the cable modem, then
it's outside from there.
> Especially if the machine before the machine which is shown with the
> massive packet loss doesn't belong to your net, there's probably not
> much you can do.
That's what I think as well.
> Clutching at straws: you could try to lower the MTU of your external
> interface and see if that changes anything.
Will try, thanks.
>>> BTW: why didn't you simply copy and paste the command and it's output
>>> but took those shots of the terminal window?
>> In Konsole I cannot simply copy the text of 'running' programs such as
>> mtr and top. So I took the screenshot. Static terminal applications
>> (apt-get, less, most everything else) I can copy.
> Pressing Ctrl-S should freeze the output, enabling you to copy it.
> Ctrl-Q resumes.
Thanks, I did not know that.
Dotan Cohen
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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