OpenOffice numbering

John D Lamb J.D.Lamb at
Tue Jun 3 16:41:16 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 00:26 +1000, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 07:19 -0700, Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> > Lyx ( is very good at doing this sort of thing.  It
> > is very annoying that OO does not do lists and even nested lists like
> > Lyx.
> Hang on - OO will do lists. Nested too. What do you mean?

I assume he meant that OO doesn’t create lists with the same flexibility
as LyX rather than that OO won’t do lists at all. Both interpretations
are possible.

LyX is more flexible. For example, it is very hard (but not impossible)
to get OO to create automatic lists with the following sort of

1. (a) First indented item
   (b) Second indented item
2. Next item

This is easy in LaTeX/LyX.

Combining lists is hard in OO because the interface doesn’t give you
direct access to the list structure. That’s also probably the source of
the original problem. I suggested some fixes to the original problem
because it’s a lot easier to fix a list in OO than to redo the whole
document in LyX.


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