G-Force FX 5200.

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Tue Jun 3 16:09:06 UTC 2008

Kamal wrote:
> Hi Team,
> My name is Kamal and i am very new to Linux Ubuntu, i
> curretly use Linux Ubuntu 8.4.
> I am having major issues with G-Force FX 5200 Graphics
> card.
> Curently i am using Ubuntu without the graphics card
> and it works fine, but when i insert the card and boot
> it it will hang after some time.
> I dont know what is wrong or how i can fix it, my
> system is upto date with all updates.
> Your help on this is needed, i also dont know much
> about Linux this is the first time i am installing
> Linux so any deatiled steps is of great help.
> Thank you and Regards 
> Kamal

Are you saying that the system boots into Ubuntu but hangs after that? 
Or are you saying that once you put the new card in the system won't 
display anything? If the latter, it may be a bios issue, with the 
sequence of the displays if your new card is a PCI-Express card.  That 
is what happened to me when I got a new G-Force PCI-Express card 
(nothing wrong with the one on the motherboard but it's nice to offload 
all the video work to its own 256mb).
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