lunch graphical application with terminal

Adel ESSAFI adel.safi at
Mon Jun 2 19:19:30 UTC 2008

Thanks for your answer. But, I want amule to run on the distant desktop, not
on mine. I think it is not possible. I just want to know if someone had an,
experience with this.
ssh -X permits to run a graphical application on the current PC.

2008/6/2 Brian McKee <brian.mckee at>:

> On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Adel ESSAFI <adel.safi at> wrote:
> > Dear list
> > I use a server with kubuntu. I want to lunch a graphical application
> (amule)
> > by a terminal. Note that I connect to the server using ssh (I am far from
> > it) and that I have opened a KDE session on it.
> > Can I do that? if yes, how?
> try on your local machine
>   ssh -XC adel at adel-desktop amule
> Note - you don't have to have a KDE session running first - and you
> might be better off if you didn't
> Note2 - depending on network connection you might be disappointed how
> slow it is...
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