Screen Resolution (Again)

Jeffrey Tooker Jeffreytooker at
Mon Jun 2 16:55:59 UTC 2008

To all:

This is a minor thing but it may help someone.  I am using the i810 
driver as the Intel driver installation does not work with my system.  
The screen resolution on my system (Gutsy) works well for several 
starts.  However every couple of days the system boots up and the 
resolution reverts to default.  For me this is not a problem just 
irritating.  I have gone through the copy to xorg of the previously 
saved (working) xorg file and the system comes up properly.  The system 
booted  with  reverted  resolution  this morning.  I rebooted and the 
system came up properly.  This leads me to believe that this problem is 
not one of drivers but of detection.  From what little I know when the 
system boots it is auto detecting the xorg which contains the (i810) 
driver.   I am a bit confused  because  if the  auto detect  is running 
properly it should detect xorg every time.  Has any one run into this 
problem before?

Jeffrey Tooker

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