Lowering phone expense, Which VOIP do people on the forum use?

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Sun Jun 1 00:27:41 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-05-31 at 20:32 +0200, Clayton wrote:
> >> I use Ekiga with a 3rd party VoIP provider called FreeCall.  Call
> >> rates are half of Skypes, and I find the call quality is much better.
> >
> > Are you able to use regular phone with Ekiga and FreeCall set up? Do
> > you need the PC to be running?
> FreeCall uses standard open SIP protocols (not closed proprietary like
> Skype) so any SIP enabled device or phone will work with their service
> (look at the website... they provide their own soft phone plus
> instructions for how to set up SIP Hardware phones).  Ekiga is a
> softphone that can be used as well (you can use other SIP softphones
> like LinPhone too).... There are other VoIP providers who also use
> standard SIP stuff.... I've never tried them though.
> Two reasons I use FreeCall plus Ekiga over Skype...
>  - I don't have to rely on a closed protocol with only one possible
> client (ie Skype)
>  - The call rates with FreeCall (and other providers) is MUCH less for
> the destinations I call.. as much as 3 or 4 times less in some cases.
> That is a lot of money saved on calls.
> I still have Skype installed, but never use it for paid calls ....
> only Skype to Skype calls.
> C.

One more check to pay attention with Skype:
Please do carefully read the Skype EULA !!!
Cheers, svobi

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