Win98 -- all kidding aside
Karl Larsen
k5di at
Thu Jul 31 22:20:20 UTC 2008
Jimmy Montague wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 22:54 +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 15:47 -0500, Jimmy Montague wrote:
>>> the power to
>>> format floppies should be available to Ubuntu users through the GUI.
>> As I just wrote, spend a bit of time to get familiar with things before
>> telling everyone how stupid they are. To repeat:
>> Right-click the Applications menu to edit the menu. In the left pane go
>> to System Tools. Click it, then check the box next to Floppy Formatter.
>> This will add the floppy formatter to the System Tools menu. Start it
>> from there.
> Well, I did just as you suggested: I now have "floppy formatter" in my
> system tools menu. When I unmount the fdd, I click Applications --
> System Tools -- Floppy Formatter and I get a dialog window.
> I select the floppy type, the format I want, type in a name for the
> disk, click format and, after about thirty seconds, I get an adamant
> system lock. Force reboot with the reset button, try the same thing
> using a different floppy disk, and get the same result. So much for
> floppy formatter, I guess.
> By the way, I saw your post suggesting that I should try Kubuntu. In
> fact I been there, did that last week. Inside my Ubuntu system, I
> downloaded a Kubuntu disk image and burned it onto a CD. Then I powered
> down and booted from the CD. I saw a menu that offered me options,
> including "install" and "verify cd". I figured I should verify the cd
> before attempting an install, and so I did. Kubuntu install said the
> disk was perfect. So I clicked "install." At the 22 percent line on the
> progress slider, I got an adamant system freeze. I walked away and left
> it for two hours. At the end of that time, it was still frozen. So I
> powered down and tried again. At the 22 percent line on the progress
> slider, I got ANOTHER adamant system freeze. So much for Kubuntu.
> I wiped the hdd, reinstalled Ubuntu, and (one week later) here we are.
> I am discouraged. My temper groweth shorter daily.
> Jimmy
Well Jimmy there have been hundreds of people who have loaded Ubuntu
with never a freeze and nothing but success. One of those is me. I have
both versions loaded and they work fine.
Your problems sound like computer problems but I can't tell for sure
what it could be. Hard to do when not there at your computer. I suggest
you load the version you want and report if it doesn't work.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
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