Ripping mp3s....

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Wed Jul 30 17:59:27 UTC 2008

Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
>>> 	Okay, got Sound Juicer ripping 192kbps mp3s on this box. But lo and 
>>> behold, it's doesn't stick the ID tags in the file... Grrr... While I 
>>> look, what are people's favorites for ripping & tagging in one shot?
>>> 	Still haven't figured how to get it to name the files the way I want...
>> I don't use sound juicer - Couldn't get on with it.
>> I prefer kaudiocreator or grip. Both can name files however you want + 
>> add the tags automatically (at least they did for me).
>> cheers Chris
> Thanks, I'll give 'em a whirl...
	Well got Grip going, and it does add the tags. Now to decipher how to 
change the naming scheme...

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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