Ripping mp3s....

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Jul 30 17:49:47 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 09:36 -0400, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>  Now I need to figure out how to change the 
> filenaming options. I'd like my mp3 to end up as "Track Name--Artist 
> Name.mp3". Must be in a config file somewhere.

Menu Edit > Preferences > Track Names? Though it might not have all the
formatting options you would like. In this case, type Alt+F2 for the
"Run ..." dialog and enter gconf-editor. Go to /apps/sound-juicer and
edit path_pattern.

An alternative would be to use the "grip" program for ripping. It is
harder to use but has nearly unlimited options.

> 	Now, i have the additional challenge of figuring out why this Sound 
> Juicer install doesn't show mp3 or m4a encoding options. Must be 
> something not installed. Time to trawl through Synaptic....

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