What's up with aptitude?

Jensen Somers foss at jsomers.eu
Wed Jul 30 15:26:23 UTC 2008


Robert Dailey wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that ubuntu's package system is VERY out-dated. For example, 
> subversion 1.5 isn't even available yet! In order to get the latest 
> software, I'm always having to manually download packages, compile 
> them, and manage their install/removal by hand. This is turning out to 
> be very frustrating. Why is SVN 1.4.6 still the latest in apt-get? Is 
> there perhaps something I am missing? The latest GCC compiler isn't in 
> apt-get either. Is there a way to get the latest software without 
> actually doing it all by hand?
> I'm using Ubuntu Server 8. I'm a newbie at Linux so don't be too rough 
> with me.
Once a version of Ubuntu is released the software packages are no longer 
updated. Only security fixes are uploaded to the repositories. It is 
possible that newer versions of some software becomes available via the 
backports repositories. See 
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports for more information 
about the Ubuntu Backports.

Otherwise you will have to wait for the next Ubuntu release in October, 
or upgrade now to the unstable Ubuntu release.

- Jensen

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