Aircraft Flight simulator

elmo elmo at
Wed Jul 30 13:27:15 UTC 2008

David Fox wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 2:13 PM, elmo <elmo at> wrote:
>> Is there an aircraft  flight  simulator for UBUNTU where  you  have
>> control  of  an aircraft  from  take off  to landing and possibly combat
>> with another aircraft?
> There certainly is, and it's pretty good for open source. It's called
> flightgear.
> It's a pretty hefty package, and you need a fast machine and good
> accelerated graphics to make it work.
> It seems to play rather well on my dual core athlon/6600 integrated
> nvidia, but it crawled on my old athlon 1000 box. :)
Flightgear looks good , TU

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