Unable to use Ubuntu 8.04 live CD

Kevin Jones kevin at intheleadllc.com
Wed Jul 30 00:53:32 UTC 2008

Jerry Alber wrote:
> I am trying to use a live Ubuntu DVD (ubuntu 8.04 Sixpack) and after 
> choosing the language and "Try Ubuntu without any change to your 
> computer", I eventually get a request for a "User ID" and a "Password".
> My machine is a multiboot with XP, Ubuntu Studio 7.10, Ubuntu Graphics 
> and Fedora 8. With a Live DVD, should I even be getting a request for a 
> User ID and Password? If so, then what might they be? I have tried 
> everything but to no avail. Is the installation DVD seeing something 
> that it interprets as me already having the above? I have used other 
> live CDs including Knoppix and Kubuntu and they don't ask for a an ID or 
> Password.
> Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? If so, I certainly 
> could use some help with this.
> I have tried the Ubuntu 8.04 Sixpack, Ubuntu 8.04 double sided DVD for 
> both 32 and 64 bit, the "official" Ubuntu 8.04 CD and downloaded a 
> Ubuntu 8.04 iso file, all with the same results of asking for a User ID 
> and a Password.
> Thanks for your help,
> Jerry

Have you tried the username ubuntu, with a blank password?  I think 
that's the default one for the Live CD

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In The Lead, LLC

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