Why can't I rename my floppy drive?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 29 22:04:15 UTC 2008

On 07/29/2008 02:42 PM, NoOp wrote:

> OK. I was on Gutsy - I just checked on hardy and you are correct. I
> mounted a floppy (FREEDOS) and now the floppy drive in Nautilus is
> FREEDOS instead of floppy. When I put a different floppy & mount the
> name doesn't change.

Reboot clears the name and restores it to 'Floppy Drive' - login/out
from the session doesn't. I put in a new floppy and now my floppy drive
is named "1.5 MB Media" :-) Anyway, sounds like you should file a bug in

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