OT: Thunderbird on the installer CD [was: Re: Evolution]

David Meireles dmeireles at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 21:15:07 UTC 2008

But I don't intend to remove Evolution, it's my prefered mail and 
calendar application :) I was saying that I like the desktop 
integration, out-of-the-box, and don't intend to loose it or have to 
install pacakges to have it, when I've benn having it since Dapper, and 
in (almost???) every Gnome based Distro. Don't get me wrong, not intend 
to start a war evolution vs thunderbird, they's both good, and I totally 
understand that are people that prefer thunder over evo, but I think 
that, since evo is soooooo integrated in Gnome, it wouldn't be good to 
remove it from the default install.

Oh, and one more reason why I think evo should be in default install... 
A lot of Windows users use Microsoft Outlook for their e-mail and 
calendar, and when they give linux a try, they expect to find a similar 
tool. That happened to me on a lot of clients I've migrated, they all 
started working in evo with no problem! But, if it's someone that in 
Windows uses Outlook Express, I believe that Evo or Thunder won't make 
much diference because it would be just e-mailing...

Mario Vukelic escreveu:
> On Tue, 2008-07-29 at 20:45 +0100, David Meireles wrote:
>> Besides, I'll loose the calendar and contacts integration with the 
>> desktop out-of-the-box, like I have? 
> You can safely uninstall the evolution package, as long as you leave
> evolution-data-server and evolution-data-server-common installed. The
> integration will still work.
> Oh yeah, and this will really be my last post on the subject, sorry
> everyone for the long OT thread to which I contributed. In my first
> reply I suggested to Karl that Brainstorm is a better place for this,
> and lo and behold! there are already entries similar to his suggestion:
> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/3597/

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