
John Masters johnmasters at me.com
Mon Jul 28 19:26:51 UTC 2008

On 28 Jul 2008, at 20:18, Jeff Davis wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 08:12:42PM +0100, John Masters wrote:
>> User-Agent or X-Mailer header will usually tell you. I filter all  
>> mail
>> sent from The Bat MUA straight into /dev/null. Gets rid of 20% of  
>> Spam
>> immediately.
> For the longest time I filtered all email from Thunderbird clients to
> /dev/null as I noticed that almost 50% of the SPAM received was from  
> that
> client app...

You probably missed a lot of good mail by doing that. I monitored my  
mail for one month at approx 300-400 messages per day and 100% of mail  
sent using The Bat was spam. Of course, every mail user's pattern is  
different which is why Spamassassin and Bogofilter need individual  
training to work effectively.

Regards, John
johnmasters at me.com

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