setting up worldcall wireless in ubuntu!

Matt Uchiha yam.matt at
Mon Jul 28 14:26:40 UTC 2008

Hello guys!
              My name is Mazhar and I am new to the list. I started 
receiving messages from it and found it very useful. Now I have a very 
serious problem. I ordered Ubuntu CD 2 weeks ago and i tshould be 
arriving soon. I use the internet with my world call wireless huawie 
set, which are sold in Pakistan(I don't know about other countries). I 
am using windows XP now. My wcall wireless set came with a drivers CD  
from which I successfully installed the drivers. But I know that I 
cannot install the drivers in ubuntu. So I wanted to know how can I set 
up my wcall wireless phone set in ubuntu. Please can anyone help me with 

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