Compiling code

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Sat Jul 26 22:36:55 UTC 2008

On 07/26/2008 01:55 PM, Keith Clark wrote:
> I am trying to compile the driver with no luck.....

Getting the adapter's driver compiled is important otherwise a 
connection won't be possible. Please consider getting the JavaPOS driver 
which is available from .

Also consider this post to debian-user:

However, don't get discouraged, and don't buy anything until you get the 
driver running, and that might just happen sooner rather than later. I 
was able to compile the driver (libstario_linux86_20040820.tar.gz) after 
installing libusb-dev. Maybe that's all you need.

Oh, but be sure to install build-essential so you have everything need 
to compile programs: aptitude install libusb-dev build-essential

If none of that works, you should be able to use the java driver. Go 

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