Is there an Eclipse 3.4 build for Ubuntu 8.04 ?

Derek Broughton news at
Sat Jul 26 18:19:10 UTC 2008

Dax Solomon Umaming wrote:

> On Sunday 27 July 2008 12:31:05 am Derek Broughton wrote:
>> > No, 3.4 would probably be available to Intrepid.
>> You think?  hardy didn't even have 3.3, so I'd be surprised if
>> intrepid got 3.4.
> Yeah, 3.4 has been nominated for Intrepid [1]. Besides, the creation
> of the Ubuntu Java Team and the advent of OpenJDK, I wouldn't be
> surprised if Eclipse suddenly pops up in Main.

Good point, but I won't hold my breath :-)

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