Is there an Eclipse 3.4 build for Ubuntu 8.04 ?

Derek Broughton news at
Sat Jul 26 16:31:05 UTC 2008

Dax Solomon Umaming wrote:

> On Saturday 26 July 2008 4:17:58 am vol behaveee wrote:
>> Is there an Eclipse 3.4 build for Ubuntu 8.04 ?
> No, 3.4 would probably be available to Intrepid.

You think?  hardy didn't even have 3.3, so I'd be surprised if intrepid got
>> Trying to add Web Tools Platforms extensions and I get error saying
>> requires org.eclips.platform(3.4.0) or compatible .
> Got the same error as well, so I got 3.4, installed it on my home
> directory, and use it from that location.

Yes, Eclipse is one application I see no value to downloading as an ubuntu

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