LINUX on Windows 98

catalina uraliin.asti at
Thu Jul 24 12:03:38 UTC 2008

Dear Sir : 
Thank you so very much for your reply.

I will give it a try
With thanks and kind regards,

On Thu, 2008-07-24 at 07:48 -0400, Mark Haney wrote:
> catalina wrote:
> > I have a Toshiba 220cds(1997) with Windows 98.
> > Is it possible for me to install a LINUX Ops System?
> > Please help...I am inexperienced in this issue.
> > 
> > 
> As this is a 10 year old laptop, here's a suggestion from someone who 
> has a laptop that old that still runs linux.  You probably won't get any 
> new GUIs to run (like GNOME or KDE) but you can get Enlightenment/XFCE 
> to run just fine on it.  Even then it might be a bit sluggish, but if 
> you pay attention to resources you should be able to run it fine.
> If you're /that/ inexperienced (and you don't say HOW inexperienced you 
> are so I'm guessing here) you might find this is more trouble than it's 
> worth.  You'll have to do a lot of things from the CLI and if you aren't 
> familiar with some of those things, it can get hairy.
> However, if you have the time, and the willingness to learn.  Go for it. 
>   I would suggest however, that you go with a really light distro.  Damn 
> Small Linux or something of that sort.  It'll get you what you need in a 
> very small amount of disk space.
> -- 
> Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar
> Mark Haney
> Sr. Systems Administrator
> ERC Broadband
> (828) 350-2415
> Call (866) ERC-7110 for after hours support

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