corporate environment apt problem

Oguz Yarimtepe comp.ogz at
Fri Jul 25 14:38:23 UTC 2008


I am trying to run my Kubuntu Gutsy in an exchange server environment.
I was trying to set the apt-get at the konsole, so i wrote the
http_proxy and ftp_prorxy values to te .bashrc file as,

export http_proxy=http://somedomain\/usrname:passwd@proxyip:port/
export ftp_proxy=http://somedomain\/usrname:passwd@proxyip:port/

But when i try apt-get update it says

trying for different ip, the shows some Igns and 404 errors and then
Failes to fetch for gz files.

Am i doing something wrong?

Oğuz Yarımtepe

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