How to get attention to a bug

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Jul 23 18:32:42 UTC 2008

On 07/23/2008 10:19 AM, Erik Itland wrote:
> 2008/7/22 NoOp <glgxg at>:
>> Don't open up a new bug. Hopefully your update with garner some
>> attention. If it doesn't in a day or two post back and we'll see if
>> someone can raise an alternate flag.
> I guess thats today, but I don't know how to raise an alternate flag. (I
> tried to write a polite mail to the guy who triaged the bug, but got no
> reply.)
> Could somebody please help me to raise whatever flag so we can get back
> suspend/resume on nc6320 : ) ?

Oddly enough,
has been assigned to Tim Gardner (also see:,
yet your bug hasn't been assigned to anyone. I'd suggest that you add on
to 227989 noting that it doesn't work with -19 _and_ point them to your
Looks to me as if 227989 should be marked as a duplicate of your bug.
But see'ing as how 227989 actually has a real person assigned to it, I'd
leave it to Gardner or someone else to mark it as a dupe.

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