Way to view MS Office's new file format

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 22 18:23:19 UTC 2008

On 07/22/2008 07:18 AM, Linda Hanigan wrote:
> Is there an open source way to view MS Office's new file format?
> We are starting to get more of these annoying files as email
> attachments. 
>                    Thanks
>                    Linda

I see from your email header that you are using Evolution 2.6.1, meaning
that you are running Dapper 6.06. You basically have 3 choices:

1. You can send the files back to the sender and tell them that you
won'd accept them in that format.

2. You can upgrade your 6.06 to Hardy 7.04 and then complete the
OpenOffice.org (OOo) installation by:
sudo apt-get install openoffice.org
That will bring in Ubuntu's OpenOffice 2.4.1 which can read docx files.

3. You can install the beta version of OpenOffice.org from:
That will install separate from your existing (U)OOo and you can use it
to convert the docx files to doc files that can be used with your
existing version of OOo.

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