PnP Bios fatal error on startup

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jul 22 17:43:33 UTC 2008

On 07/22/2008 01:28 AM, Michael Faber wrote:
> Hi, I've got a new notebook: Samsung Q45-Aura T5550 Tisla with
> Windows Vista Now I tried Ubuntu (live) on it and got some strange
> messages during startup
>>> PnP Bios  fault .. attempting recovery PnP Bios: Warning! Your
>>> PnP Bios caused a fatal error attempting to continue PnP Bios:
>>> You may need to reboot with pnpbios=off PnP Bios: Check with your
>>> vendor for bios update PnP get_dev_node: unexpected status 0x37
> Ubuntu still starts. But before I intall it I would like to know
> what's wrong and what I have to do to make things right. Thanks

At startup press F6 and enter: pnpbios=off
and then boot.
You could try to upgrade your BIOS, but using pnpbios=off is probably
the better option if there is no upgrade for your bios. To do this
permanently after the install see the comment by Harvey Muller:

I should have been more clear. The intent of the running "dmesg | less"
is purely so that you can find the messages of interest, and review them
in detail. It looks like you hve done so.

Based on the messages you supplied, I personally recommend that if your
manufacturer has an updated BIOS available, that you update it.
Afterwards you would want to run "dmesg | less" again, and review the
messages for the pnpbios error again. To select just the messages of
interest, you could run:

    $ dmesg | grep pnpbios

If you are not comfortable flashing your BIOS for any reason, simply run
the following to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst:

    $ gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Then add "pnpbios=off" to the end of the # defoptions line:

    # defoptions=ro quiet splash pnpbios=off

Your defoptions line may differ a little, just add the recommended text
to the end of the line, save the file, then close the editor.

Afterwards, in a terminal, run:

    $ sudo update-grub

This will update grub to use the new option. Afterwards, reboot, and
then run the dmesg line again to review for pnpbios messages.

Note: the above won't affect anything with Windows/Vista when you
dualboot. The change will only affect linux.

The issue stems from both buggy BIOS'. See:

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