8.04 plus 8GB RAM

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Tue Jul 22 16:13:44 UTC 2008

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 19:13:54 -0400
Rashkae <ubuntu at tigershaunt.com> wrote:

> Because Enabling PAE (that's the large memory stuff, couldn't remember
> the acronym before) causes the kernel to hoark a hairball if you try to
> boot on hardware that doesn't support it.

Ah yes, that would be a good reason indeed ;-)

> And finally, all those consumers with more than 2GB of ram probably have
> a 64-bit CPU, and should therefore be investing energy in making the
> switch to a 64-bit OS, rather than trying to shoehorn large memory
> support in 32-bits.

Yeah I sure thought about that, but from what I can see/read/sense, 64
bit on the desktop is far from "just work", mostly because of the
numerous proprietary things one might need here and there, now and in
the future, and by the looks of it it will take many years for the
proprietary scene to switch to 64 bit, judging by how little progress
has been made so far. When you add the existing zillions of
bugs/problems on the 32 bit arch that drive me nuts since I switched
to Linux 6 years ago, well all in all I felt that switching to 64 bit
would just add more trouble than joys. I am sure it works just fine for
servers or locked down workstations, but for joe's home desktop machine
(mine to start with, then), where things are lot less "stable"/locked,
I think I will wait 20 years or so ;-/ Hence why I was willing to make
a little effort to get 4.0 GB out of the 32 bit kernel.

This is not meant to start a 32/64 bit war, but to conclude
the thread instead ;-)


Vince, will do with 3.2 GB for now...

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