The pest again

Leif Gregory ldgregory69 at
Mon Jul 21 20:15:09 UTC 2008

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 12:32:14 -0700
NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:

> Can you point me to a howto for doing this in VMWare? I use VB (and am
> quite happy with it w/Win2KP), but I also have two systems with WinXPP
> on them; one has XP on a partition, the other has XP on it's own
> drive. Both were OEM installs, so no CD's etc & it's a pain to have
> to reboot (I use them for troubleshooting customer issues w/new
> devices etc).

I used this tutorial to set up two of my Ubuntu boxes to utilize the
existing Windows partitions on them.

The very important piece is at the GRUB menu to make sure you
don't let it boot your host Linux partition again as a VM. Could get
all sorts of wonky things going on as your host and VM compete to write
to the same files.

Other than that, it was a piece of cake and works great.

Note: I think the tutorial is still valid, but I did this under Gutsy
on those machines. They still work after updating to Hardy.

Leif Gregory
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