new guy checking in has new problem(s)

Jimmy Montague rhetoric102 at
Mon Jul 21 17:37:28 UTC 2008

I did sudo nautilus. I gave it my password. Nautilus opened. So far as I
can tell, Nautilus won't do anything with permissions. The word
"Permissions" appears nowhere in Nautilus, so far as I can tell.

Try again?


On Mon, 2008-07-21 at 12:22 -0500, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> Jimmy Montague <rhetoric102 at>  said:
> > Problems include the fact that I have no idea where it mounts, and I
> > can't write to it. If I try to write to it, a dialog tells me that I
> > don't have permission and I should contact root to correct the problem
> > (The poor penguin doesn't know that in this house, "root" is a
> > dipshit). So the drive is there, but it's useless.
> > 
> > Advice?
> The typical mount point is in /media.
> Open the drive in Nautilus and check permissions.  You may have to sudo
> into Nautilus in order to change permissions.
> <sudo nautilus>
> Cybe R. Wizard
> -- 
> Nice computers don't go down.
> 	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
> 		"The Barsoom Project"

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