Need help setting up cron

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Sun Jul 20 16:37:29 UTC 2008

Robert Dailey wrote:
> [...] After adding in these variables, I find that my "svnadmin dump"
> command now outputs about 207MB of data, however that isn't the full
> size of what it should be. The dump file should be approximately
> 600MB.
> I'm out of ideas so far, so any other help would be appreciated. I
> can't understand at all why "svnadmin dump" works fine from the
> command line, but running it from cron causes it to be interrupted.
> [...]

Can you find out what signal, if any, was used to interrupt the program?

The output, including any error message, is critical. You might be able 
to use the "script" program to capture both normal and error output from 
your script and the spawned programs.

30 12 * * * root script -c "/my/script/file" -f /tmp/debug.log

Svnadmin might also want to interact with a TTY--especially to 
authenticate--and that could lead to failure. If you need to 
programmatically enter a password for svnadmin, you could either use a
command-line paramter or use the "expect" program.

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