Same installation problem over and over again.
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at
Sun Jul 20 14:04:39 UTC 2008
Hash: SHA1
On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 00:26:07 +0200
Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> elmo wrote:
> > Andy wrote:
> > > The instructions at
> > > <> seem to be pretty
> > > simple to follow.
> >
> > I disagree that the instructions are simple to follow. Look at it the
> > way a Window user would or anyone who has never had to create a UBUNTU
> > CD. At first reading, they may appear simple but they are misleading.
> >
> > QUOTE: "Ubuntu is distributed over the Internet as CD image files,
> > called ISOs. To install Ubuntu, you first need to burn its ISO file
> > onto a CD"
> >
> > This is the exact wording from that website.
> >
> > OK, so we look in our CD burner for a way to burn the ISO to a CD.
> > Instead, we find something that will burn an IMAGE, not an ISO.
> > Oops, wrong one?????
> Well, you quote only the first few words of the page. The instructions how
> to burn the CD follows after that part. Granted, there is no word how to
> do it with Nero, but if you follow the instructions it should work. If
> you use another program than suggested by the instructions (i.e. Nero for
> you) you may find out yourself how to do it with that particular program.
> But if you can't find out how to do it with that other program, better
> follow the given instructions and don't insist on using something else.
> Of course the alternative option would be to write instructions for Nero
> and have those included to the existing instructions.
> > Since Nero is the CD/DVD burner many Windows machines have, my comments
> > use Nero as an example. I know there are other burners available for
> > Windows and I'll bet none of them will burn an ISO to a CD but they can
> > burn the IMAGE.
> It seems that you think there is a difference between an image file and an
> iso file, but they are the same. If you think that is worng, please
> explain what you think is the difference between the two. And are there
> two different commands in Nero to burn an image or an ISO file? Sorry, I
> don't have Nero, so I can't check it myself.
> > The process basically involves two things, extracting
> > the files from ISO and simultaneously burning them as IMAGE.
> No, you may not extract anything from an ISO image to make it a working
> bootable CD.
> > This is largely a semantics problem. Wrong choice of words, using ISO
> > and IMAGE interchangeably.
> The words image and ISO are actually interchangeable here. Maybe there is
> an additional / different meaning for one of the words in the Windows
> world, but then I have no idea, what the difference might be.
> Nils
I'm using "I" because it is easier here. I do NOT use windows myself:
I think what one of the biggest issues with this is that as a windows
user, I know how to burn CD's. I go to the Ubuntu home page[1], read
about the desktop edition, click the link to more[2], read again. Then I
click download, make my selection[3], and the download starts. I see a
link about how to burn a cd[3], I don't need to follow that link,
because I already know how to burn a cd. When the install fails, I
become frustrated because the installation cd is no good, even though I
did it right.
Now, how do I know why it failed? I have ?? years burning cd's in
windows, never had any problems before, and did the same thing two or
three times. When I come here and ask for help, I'm referred to a
webpage that doesn't even mention the burner program I'm using! I
haven't used the program there, and the one I have has worked for me
for ?? years.
Why can't I get the ISO file to burn right?
REPEAT: I'm using "I" because it is easier here. I do NOT use windows
If the download page had a simple line or two stating "You can not copy
this file to a cd, you must burn the image or burn the ISO instead"
a lot of "Why can't I " would be avoided.
- --
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914 []
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