Triple Booting

David Curtis dcurtis at
Sun Jul 20 01:56:31 UTC 2008

Chris wrote:

>> The only reason that I want to triple boot is for bragging rights (My
>> buddy said it can't be done) thanks for the suggestion tho. I never
>> thought of that. (Now if I can get OS X on here as well...) 
> Ahh - now that would be a nice trick (OS X)!
The number of OSes grub can boot are limited only by the number of 
partitions you have, by using different methods people have literally 
booted hundreds of OSes. Unfortunately the switch to the Pata names has 
limited the number of partitions to 15 per disk. But there are ways to 
get around this.

OS X? not a problem, google 'grub booting OS X'.


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