export and Tomcat?

kapil singh kapil.network at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 11:45:29 UTC 2008


unset the variable first using command

$ unset JAVA_OPTS

and, remove it from your .bashrc file

Restart, the system and  then  check what its value now. ( by echo
if it returns any value, then
check the file /etc/profile, if this variable exist here, then replace the
value of variable with your new variable. 
 export JAVA_OPTS=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.3
(otherwise, put this line to the end of /etc/profile).
(remember that remove the variable setting from your local  .bashrc  file.)

now, reboot the system. if you don't want to reboot.then run

export JAVA_OPTS=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.3

i think it will work.

But, if you will find any problem then,
check for Tomcat configuration files (it may be declared there. ) 

Thanks and Regards
Kapil Singh Kushwah
Linux System Administrator
Hotwax Media Inc

buters wrote:
> Hi,
> Earlier another person set $JAVA_OPTS as
> "=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.2.5"
> I would change it with "export
> JAVA_OPTS=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.3". If I execute echo
> $JAVA_OPTS, I see "=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.3". Also it is
> correct. But tomcat sees it as earlier i.e.
> "=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.2.5" (info from localhost.log). I
> insert "export JAVA_OPTS=-Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.3" in
> .bashrc, but it was unsuccessful. My $JAVA_OPTS points on
> -Dartifactory.home=/srv/artifactory-1.3, but tomcat won't watch it so.
> Where should I it change, that tomcat can find it?
> Thanks beforehand,
> regards, buters

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