Bizarre problems in Hardy - system broke fsck this AM, no nvidia anymore

David Fox dfox94085 at
Sat Jul 19 02:29:54 UTC 2008


I need some help. After several weeks - more like at least 6 weeks I
have begun to see some serious stability problems with ubuntu Hardy on
my 64 bit (ECS motherboard, AMD64) dydyrm. I normally am running
kde4.1 with compiz fusion installed and with the nvidia-glx-new driver
I haven't really experienced too many problems, but this morning I had
to reboot the system because it got in an inconsistent state. When I
booted up, it landed me in fsck, made me redo fsck manually, and when
I rebooted again, I had to change the partition to rewrite instead of
read only.

Then I couldn't get X to start at all. It claims the nvidia driver is
not found. So I am switiching temporarily to nv, and although I am
running in a higher-resolution, my system won't or can't do any GL
stuff anymore.

At this point I am seriously considering doing a reinstall of HH or
maybe switching back to debian.

But I'd rather not do that, is there a way to basically reinstall any
missing pieces via aptitude, basically replacing any packages that
might be installed officially according to dpkg, but have been
obliterated in the fsck?

All help appreciated. Don't want to stay in gnome too much longer. :(

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