dial up modems

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at comcast.net
Fri Jul 18 19:19:04 UTC 2008

Thanks all, that is the info I was looking for.  I live in an area where 
many Minonites live ( fine people) but they are still using horses and 
buggies.  That is fine but it causes the area to be a little behind in 
most things modern.  If you go in a computer store and mention wanting 
something for Linux they look at you like you are from Mars,
                                                             Thanks Doug

Spruil wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 11:49:19 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Don't ask here. Most of us are using high speed Internet.
> But surely we all need a back up in emergencies. Maybe you enjoy 100% 
> adsl uptime in the states, but we're not so lucky here in the UK.

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