Partition type 0X7
Derek Broughton
news at
Fri Jul 18 14:48:11 UTC 2008
Allen Meyers wrote:
> I used wubi to install 8.04 and my limited understanding is that it is
> loaded just like windows would load any program.
Well, no. _Windows_ doesn't load the program. The bootloader does, and it
doesn't load programs the way Windows would.
> When the window comes up giving me a choice and I choose ubuntu a quick
> message comes up concerning windows not recognizing the partition type 0X7
> Now from what I have read I am confusing windows because it expects to be
> primary and suddenly it is sharing and does not like it.
That doesn't make any sense to me. Windows _is_ on a primary partition.
Windows isn't "sharing", anything. If you boot into Windows, it owns the
whole drive.
> Everthing's not where it's' supposed to be (according to the windows
> bootloader.)
> I read that the solution is right as grub kicks off on hda switch the 2
> drives so windows boot loader does not get confused.
Could you rephrase that as an English sentence, please?? How many drives
_do_ you have?
> Problem is I really do not care if windows is confused as long as it does
> nothing invasive to mess with my Ubuntu Any and all comments that sheads
> any light on this much appreciated Thank you
Wubi installs to a _file_ on Windows. As such, you can't actually prevent
it doing anything invasive to ubuntu. You just have to avoid touching that
file from Windows.
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