cant log in at all

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jul 17 18:05:20 UTC 2008

On 07/17/2008 07:11 AM, Donny George wrote:

>> this was the output
>> /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum
>> sorry its too long and i pasted only some part of it as my mail bounced wen
>> i pasted the whole result

No. The output from these three separate commands:

locate ttf-opensymbol

locate opens___.ttf

md5sum /usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice/opens___.ttf

For the benefit of others on the list, do you mind if we continue this
off-list? Send the outputs directly to my email address. We can then
continue to try and figure this out off-list & then post back the final


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